Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Line ups are for grown ups

After waiting in a line that was the largest congregation of people NLG had ever seen long enough to glimpse Mother Mother through a chain link fence, and arriving at La Maison du Quebec (otherwise known as the Quebec House) just in time to see Malajube dismantling their set, one would think that NLG’s foiled attempts at free shows during the 2010 Olympics would get us down. Hardly the case. Even though the line to get into Wilco stretched past NLG’s East Van hangout location (or was that to get a free Vitamin Water?) and with hell even the Saskatchewan House being plugged up, we are just pleased that Canada’s talented acts are getting the world stage. Loyal supporters of bands from the Great White North, we can imagine nothing better than some Norwegian biathlon fans inadvertedly subjected to fast rockin’ Les Breastfeeders or Constantines or the highly entertaining ramblings of Buck 65. Of course we would rather be there ourselves, but unless athletes such as Jennifer Heil quit being so captivating and making us drink so much while they win medals, there is no way we will get in line early enough to see anything. At least we can wait until they all come back to play at the Biltmore when the town is back to normal!

For the Norwegian biathlon fans:

1 comment:

  1. Getting closer to the magic counter number of 2010 number, eh! Party time.....hey, everyone included! Too bad about the red tinted glasses. However, some things can be found in odd places like soccer shoes in the bottom drawer.
