Monday, March 29, 2010

NLG has a Hooker Pop at Funky Winker Beans

If any of this talk of getting under the bedcovers, kittens, and romantic songs had us sounding a little soft, NLG's latest journey to the darkest part of Vancouver would probably convince anyone otherwise. Accompanied by 75% crazy 25% sane Lord Vatarro and a couple of other cats, No Look Guns took their lives in their hands and took down a big swig of Hooker Pop at East Hasting's favourite venue, Funky Winker Beans. Hooker Pop was not actually some crude cocktail squeezed from the corner of Main and Hastings, but is in fact a fresh faced metal act that played music like it is supposed to be: with no rules. Demonstrating funk rhythms on bass and some solid shredding on the axe, these kids slowed up only enough to let the mosh catch their breath. Their skanky metal came out surprisingly clean considering there was a man passed out over an amp and a couple making out on the soundboard. Their smashing metal induced some wild scenes indeed, mostly courtesy of Lord Vatarro, including giving a female fan a punk-rock heave across the mosh and downing a full beer on stage after chipping in on the mike. As for Serge, he got whiplash from somewhere deep in the middle of the set and hasn't looked back since--he can't!

Unfortunately metal bands don't seem to know how to upload songs to their myspace


  1. they have new ones coming up now. One sneak peek and the rest soon.
